Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Ski Trip 2012

On the weekend, my friends and I went on a ski trip to Thredbo in New South Wales. Or in my case, 'ski' trip as I did not ski. Nevertheless, the weekend was definitely the most fun I have had in a very long time. We departed from Central in the evening and boarded a coach, headed to Thredbo in the Snowy Mountains. He arrived at our resort, River Inn, which is right next to the snow slopes at around 1.30am. Exhausted but still excited. The following morning we got out of bed at 6am and at 9.30am headed to the ski slopes. My friends all went off skiing and I decided to wander around. I stumbled upon a bushwalking track titled 'Merritts Nature Track' and followed it.




Thredbo River


It was snowing a fair amount on Saturday however on Sunday morning we woke up to a thick layer of fresh snow. I have never seen fresh snow; usually it is this icy mess that looks terrible. However walking outside to the snow covering the entire landscape was truly beautiful.





I thoroughly enjoyed escaping from Sydney for the weekend. It was fantastic and will definitely be one of my most memorable moments of my life thus far.