When I was a kid, I watched a Cantonese dubbed movie about a panda cub that was captured by humans, taken to a zoo and then he became depressed and died alone in a zoo. To say that the movie was sad would be an understatement - the final scene where he was remembering his mum (who was killed when he was captured) was utterly heartbreaking. Years later and many obscure Google searches later (i.e. panda movie capture Cantonese) finally led me to the name of the movie - a 1981 Japanese film called Tao Tao: The Story of Panda.
China was a lot different from what I had expected and in a good way! I had heard quite polarising views from people who had previously visited and, admittedly, was a little apprehensive on what to expect.
I am currently on my long-awaited holiday! It has been a long year and - yes I know this is such a privileged thing to say- I am thankful that I am able to take some time off.
Ever since I got my first "adult" job, music has taken a backseat in my life. Sure, I listen to music whilst I'm at work. However, it is to simply tune out my colleagues' chatter when I need to concentrate (ah the joys of an open plan office). I almost exclusively listen to audiobooks on my commute and haven't really connected to an artist for a quite a while.
The Bondi to Coogee coastal walk is on quite a few listicles - The Top X Things you MUST Do in Sydney. However, Coogee isn't the terminus for the coastal walk as you can continue to Malabar (and eventually to La Perouse when they finish the construction).