Saturday, 7 April 2018

Easter Break

Unlike previous Easter breaks (2016 & 2017), the four day long weekend was comparatively relaxed. I spent most of the time offline and with a book in hand (although neither of the books I read were any good).

Although I feel as though I didn't leave Sydney, that is technically incorrect. On Good Friday, I headed out to Jellybean Pool at Glenbrook, a stone's throw from the Sydney metropolitan border. This was a revisit - I wanted to take S to experience the natural beauty of the swimming hole.

Despite my frequent visits to the beach over the summer, I discovered that I was actually not as good at swimming as I thought. Without the additional buoyancy from the salt, it was definitely more challenging to swim and tread water! Nonetheless, it was such a lovely experience to swim flail amongst the tall gumtrees.

There was also an early morning visit to the Sydney Fish Markets - I was surprised to see people eating platters of seafood at 8am in the morning! Then again, S and I shared a small portion of calamari.

Easter Sunday was chock-a-block with food. Countless Cadbury eggs were consumed, followed by an Easter roast lunch, featuring S's lamb.

I also managed to squeeze in two trips to the beach! The temperatures are slowly dropping in Sydney, but the water is still relatively warm. In fact, the air and water temperature is roughly the same at the time when we visit. The water was super clear on one of the visits which I was just so amazed by.

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