Last Sunday, I headed to Warragamba Dam and Burragorang lookout. Warragamba Dam supplies 80% of Sydney's drinking water and was built in 1958. When I was growing up in Sydney, drought restrictions were such a normal part of my life and in 2007 the damn fell to levels below 33%! I remember when they were discussing about building desalination plants and how by 2015 (ish) we would run out of water. Thankfully the drought eased and the dam is now at 93% capacity.

The Burragorang Lookout overlooks the Burragorang Valley which was drowned to create the lake and subsequently, provide Sydney's water supply. During the construction of the dam, the inhabitants of the valley were vacated and some of the buildings were dismantled. However, apparently some of the buildings remained and are now underneath the waters of the lake so when the water level is low, parts of the town reappears.
I thought the lookout was absolutely stunning and it was very nice to see quite a few people having a picnic in the area. However my biggest gripe was that someone was flying their drone which was so incredibly noisy and ruined the peace. It sounded like a line trimmer/whipper snipper. How annoying!

It was a very nice drive and I loved being out of the city. What I didn't know that the area is part of the Blue Mountains National Park; I didn't realise it stretched that far south! I am also 80% sure that I saw a small orange Qantas plane near some farmhouses!
This was my second trip of 2016 for my #take12trips. To see my previous trips
please click here.