January was about:
Smothering my body with sunscreen; recovering from indulgences of December; waiting for summer storms; sighing with relief from the Southerly; clambering up and down rocks; holding onto my bikini top in the waves; re-learning how to swim; feeling proud about treading water for 10 minutes; accidentally straying from the trail; scratching my legs from dried twigs and branches; getting eaten alive by mozzies, enjoying the <25°C days; devouring books; signing up to a library near work; getting excited about the library's ebook selection; eating less processed food; struggling to get into the swing of blogging; and planning for the future.
Music: Darius Rucker album - When Was the Last Time*
Book: Australia Day - Melanie Cheng
* I am pretty devastated that I didn't realise he had a Sydney show which is now sold out.