Friday 7 November 2014

The Final Stretch

It is currently stuvac (study vacation) and I am preparing for my two finals. By Wednesday evening, I will have finished all my exams. Reading provisions like this makes my head spin:
(c) a reference to competition, in relation to conduct to which subsection (8) or (9) applies, shall be read as a reference to competition in any market in which the corporation engaging in the conduct or any other corporation the business dealings of which are restricted, limited or otherwise circumscribed by the conduct, or any body corporate related to either of those corporations, supplies or acquires, or is likely to supply or acquire, goods or services or would, but for the conduct, supply or acquire, or be likely to supply or acquire, goods or services.
The past few weeks (maybe a month now) have been somewhat tough. I've been dealing with insomnia and fatigue which has resulted in a lot of tv watching. A lot. To the point where it is kind of embarrassing. This is Natalie logic; 'well I am interested in Law and Order: SVU, oh look there is a crossover with Chicago P.D, I better go and watch that. Oh wait, there is going to be a three way crossover between SVU, Chicago P.D and Chicago Fire, I now have to watch both these shows so the crossover makes sense'. And that is precisely what I did.

Both of the shows are filmed in Chicago and there are a lot of exterior scenes. It really just makes me miss Chicago as it is one of my favourite cities that I have visited thus far. I loved: the architecture of the buildings, the Chicago River, The Loop, Millennium Park and Lake Michigan, which was so large that it seemed more like the ocean than a lake. I really wish that I had spent more time in Chicago, more time to explore the suburbs too.


  1. Lovely photos :) It looks so amazing! Hope your insomnia gets better, I've had it for years and years (since I was eleven) and it can be pretty hard sometimes.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, I hope it goes away soon. I usually get it every so often

  2. I've never been to Chicago but it is definitely on my mental list of places to visit (maybe not during winter though, hah!) Good luck with your exams :)

    1. Thank you and to you too.

      It is crazy how harsh Chicago winters are. Although when I went in the summer, it was a sweltering 30ish C weather. Crazy how it reaches both ends of the spectrum

  3. Hang in there :) Good luck! Don't know when I'll be able to go to Chicago but I'll ask you for tips if I do.

  4. Hang in there Natalie!!
    I'd love to go to Chicago one day, the buildings are
    indeed gorgeous! Xx

  5. I love your photos! And I must confess that I have the same logic with tv shows which somehow gets intensified in the periods when I actually have too much to do. I wish you good luck with your finals!

    m | the time to wander

  6. Absolutely adore your photography! I just found your blog because I was looking for people to nominate for a tag I just posted. I would love you to do the tag as well and am looking forward your answers if you decide to do it. Here's the post for the tag:
    Lots of Love, Laila xx

    1. Thank you so much for nominating me! I will do it soon :)

  7. You can do it! Go finish all those finals, get sleep, and watch more tv. I'm giving you realistic motivation!


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