Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Adventures in Sydney: Bradley's Head

I have lived in Sydney for almost my entire life and there are times when I think that I have been everywhere that is even remotely interesting. However I know that is definitely not the case and I like to actively search for things to do. And also because I get restless. I used to joke to an ex* with, 'do you even Sydney?' The context to the joke was that he lived his entire life in Sydney and yet didn't know ... well a whole lot at all. Except for trendy brunch places. I actually find that to be a common occurrence and need to clarify when I ask people for things to do that I don't mean where to eat for brunch. Major digression.

I recently visited Bradley Head to watch the sunset. To save the $8 parking fee, we walked down the road (2km one way) to the water's edge.



On the walk down we passed Bradley's Head Fortification. There is one cannon (there are three pits) and the trenches are still accessible.

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Colour Film: Canberra

June 2017

June 2017

Canberra is the capital city of Australia and located in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). The location of the capital city was decided in 1908 as a compromise between Sydney and Melbourne, the two largest cities. It is an entirely planned city designed by two American architects, making it one of the few entirely planned cities in the world! Workers in the ACT are among the highest paid (on average) in the entire country. Good ol' public servants.

Saturday, 15 July 2017

Colour Film: Manly, Lawson & Misc

I recently developed two rolls of film shot by my brand new Pentax SP1000. I have had issues with Fuji Superia 400 previously and on my last bulk film purchase, I decided to try Fuji Superia 200. Funnily enough, Superia 200 has now been discontinued! I enjoyed the 200 a lot more than the 400. The Pentax SP1000 is my first manual camera and I definitely need to be more aware of the aperture as some of my shots were severely underexposed. Well, at least that is where I think the problem lies. There were some shots that were so dreamy, and then others that were ... not.

This post will feature my first roll and contain shots from the Lawson Waterfall Circuit (blogged here), Manly Beach and random stuff!

June 2017

June 2017
Walk to work.

June 2017
Manly Beach

Friday, 7 July 2017

Uloola Falls & Karloo Pools


Last weekend I went for a bushwalk at the Royal National Park from Waterfall Station to Heathcote Station. It was 11.3km track and the main attractions were the Uloola Falls and Karloo Pools.


Monday, 3 July 2017

Weekend Colour Palette: Pink

Lulu from Beside the Danube recently created a photography project where she would create a set of photo each weekened centred around a selected colour. I answered her open call and decided to give it a try.* The colour for last weekend was: PINK.

Surprisingly, I found it quite hard to find pink over the weekend! Nonetheless, I really enjoyed it as it challenged me to look at my surroundings more carefully.

* The last time I've done a challenge of any sort was back during LIMS (last icon maker standing) on Livejournal. Anyone remember those? 
Saturday, 24 June 2017

Blue Mountains: Lawson Waterfall Circuit

A few weekends ago, I went to the Blue Mountains for a bushwalk. Although I have been to the Blue Mountains quite a few times now, there are a lot of areas that I haven't explored or even heard of! Whilst I was Googling for easy-ish day walks, I stumbled upon the Lawson Waterfall Circuit which sounded pretty intriguing - 3km walk which passes by 4 waterfalls.

Compared to the bushwalks at Wentworth Falls, Leura and Katoomba, my boyfriend and I were the only ones on the track! It was a very peaceful walk.

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Vivid Sydney 2017

Another year, another Vivid Sydney! Admittedly, I only attend the light installations, however I think Vivid has become less exciting as the years go by. Instead of a photo dump, I decided to make a video of Vivid using my Samsung S8. I picked the wrong day for a visit as it started to pour halfway through the night and I decided to just head home.

The best thing I saw from Vivid which wasn't even an installation [it projected onto the Opera House] 

If you are interested, I have blogged about it in previous years - 2012, 201320142015. Looking back at those posts has reminded me a) that I have had this blog so many years! and b) I did take some pretty awesome shots with my point and shoot.

Thursday, 15 June 2017

5 Places I Want to Visit Overseas

To complement my post about the 5 Places I want to Visit in Australia, I am here with a post about the 5 Places I want to Visit Overseas! This was a tough list to compile as the list is always changing. In reality, the places that I want to visit is insanely long however I have tried to capture the ones at the top of the list.

Unlike my Australia post, I feel that I might not end up visiting most /any of these places. It boils down to two simple reasons: time and money. Assuming that I am departing from Sydney, each destination is so far away and I don't think I can justify spending a whole day on a flight anymore when each day of leave is so precious. But one can dream!

1. India
Minimum flight time13 hours
India is such a diverse and large country; it is hard to really pinpoint where I would want to visit! I had originally planned on visiting in the first half of next year, but I am unsure if that will eventuate. The top regions I want to go to for a first visit are: the Golden Triangle and Ladakh!

Stupa at Lamayuru Monastery, Ladakh, India

