These are all shot with my Canon Rebel Ti with Kodak Tri-X 400.

One of the many reasons why I love this camera, it allows me to easily take multiple exposures.
From this first batch, it is quite evident to me that there will be a learning curve for me. Firstly, I need to figure out my ideal settings for the scanner (what resolution do I really need). Secondly, I need to think about my shots a little more carefully with special emphasis on what it will look like in black and white. A few of my shots are quite flat (not pictured), a consequence of being black and white, but I am super eager to have more of a play with my camera.
I was a little hesitant to take my film overseas as I had to go through a lot of bag scanners and it was a little nerve wrecking knowing that each pass could/would subject my film to damage. Luckily, I don't see any damage to the rolls developed (although I still have 3 yet to be developed which was subjected to even more X-rays) however it does appear my negatives are quite scratched. I'm not sure if it happened in the manner it is currently stored or during development.
I really do love film.