Friday 26 December 2014

Goodbye Edinburgh

Random collection of photos from Edinburgh, Scotland.




Calton Hill


Overall Thoughts
Edinburgh was a nice break from the busy-ness of London however after 7 days, it felt like it was time to move on. It is a lovely city, very beautiful as expected, especially once you step away from the Royal Mile.

Would I re-visit?
When travelling through the highlands, I thought to myself that I would love to visit Scotland in the summer or spring months for hiking purposes. I would actually love to visit the Isle of Skye too. However, I think it is similar to New Zealand with the mountain ranges, the sheep and the natural beauty. Not identical, but similar so maybe I re-visit won't be happening anytime soon (since it would be cheaper to get to New Zealand).

1 comment:

  1. Edinburgh is such a nice place!! love all the photos..and the squirrel is so adorable
    Merry Christmas!

    xo joselovincolors


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